
She Who Became the Sun

She Who Became the Sun
Tištěná kniha

80 % (2 Hodnocení)

She Who Became the Sun

80 % (2 Hodnocení)

Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2021



520 Kč

Běžná cena 525 Kč

Ušetříte 5 Kč



O knize

Zhu journeys from life as a peasant girl to war and the heights of power. This is a traditional Chinese tale reimagined in a subversive new way, for fans of The Song of Achilles and Across the Nightingale Floor.
Zhu journeys from life as a peasant girl to war and the heights of power. This is a traditional Chinese tale reimagined in a subversive new way, for fans of The Song of Achilles and Across the Nightingale Floor.
Zhu journeys from life as a peasant girl to war and the heights of power. This is a traditional Chinese tale reimagined in a subversive new way, for fans of The Song of Achilles and Across the Nightingale Floor.

Více od autora:

Shelley Parker-Chan

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